Many new patients ask how much can you buy from a dispensary at a time in Florida? With many states having medical marijuana programs they each have their own rules and caveats. The short answer is you can buy however much you have prescribed to you in each route on the Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry linked here by your doctor. To see how much your doctor prescribed you log in to the Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry, go to your profile on the top menu, scroll down to the chart and find today’s date. There should be Medical Marijuana, Low THC Cannabis, and Smoking Marijuana( If your doctor prescribed you smoking).
Hit expand on each and it will show you the routes within each and the prescribed amount. Keep an eye on the Start Date and End Date as that is the period you can buy that amount and then for the next period it resets. The Medical Marijuana section includes inhalation, oral, edibles, topicals, and sublingual reset every 70 days, and smoking marijuana aka flower resets every 35 days. To see today’s Florida dispensary deals click here.
How Much Can You Buy From A Dispensary At A Time In Florida
The amount prescribed is controlled by your medical marijuana doctor who can increase or decrease the amount prescribed up to a certain point. For flowers, the max allowed by the stated is 2.5 ounces every 35 days and can only be increased in extreme cases.
Other categories like inhalation, oral, edibles, topicals, and sublingual have a much wider range of minimum and maximum prescriptions. Here your medical marijuana doctor uses their judgment/ requests from you to decide how much to prescribe you every 70 days. These routes range vary from patient to patient. We have seen some at 5,000MG per 70 days and some at 21,000MG per 70 days. These amounts prescribed by your doctor determine how much can you buy from a dispensary at a time in Florida.
If you constantly use all your allowed prescribed amount contact your doctor to increase it. If the numbers are not already at the max allowed b the state then there should be no problem to increase it if you provide a good reason.
The amounts prescribed can be changed on the fly on the doctor’s end so as long as they are by a computer they can update in real-time. So for example, if you are at a Florida dispensary and they tell you you can not buy any more under that route because you have reached your limit try calling the doctor’s office and they might be able to increase it while you are waiting to check out at the dispensary.
How Often Can You Go To A Dispensary In Florida?
As often as you please. There are no rules on how often can you go to a dispensary in Florida. You can visit any Florida dispensary you want and as many times a day you want. So you can stop by every dispensary in one day if you choose. As long as you have a valid Florida medical marijuana card you can walk inside and browse the products.
When the budtender calls your name and looks you up in the system then they see how much you have prescribed and how much is left in each route. You can see this yourself too. There they will warn you if you can not buy more of a certain route or are close to your allowed amount. Like mentioned earlier if this happens you can always try calling your doctor to increase it.
Do Dispensaries Keep Track Of How Much You buy?
Yes and no. All purchases are uploaded to the Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry linked here which shows what when and where you purchased products. When you are at a dispensary and speaking to a budtender they pull up your Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry profile which shows them your allowed prescription which interns shows them what products you have bought in that period. We are unsure if dispensaries use this data for any marketing or business strategies.
Keep in mind you also have full access to the data of what when and where you purchased products. In fact, we highly suggest always checking the Registry after you make a purchase as sometimes budtenders can mistype the amount purchased sometimes doubling it meaning if not corrected then lowering the amount you can buy in that route for that period. A simple call to the dispensary can get that fixed.
Hope this was informative and helpful. Stay medicated!