The list of qualifying conditions for a medical card in Florida is ever-growing and increases as years go on. In the beginning, it was much tougher to get a card with only a handful of conditions qualified for a medical marijuana card in Florida. Now with the growing amount of patients and doctors on the scene, the qualifying conditions for a medical card in Florida have grown to over 17 conditions. Do not just because a condition is on the list does not mean every doctor will prescribe based on the condition it is up to the doctor’s discretion if you are eligible for medical marijuana and if the benefits are right for you. To learn more about the patient and doctor relationship click here to go to the OMMU official website. If you are already a patient click here to see all Florida dispensary deals and discounts.

Qualifying Conditions For A Medical Card In Florida:
Chronic muscle spasms
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Crohn’s Disease
Depression and anxiety
Chronic pain
Terminal Conditions
Damaged Nervous Tissue
Anxiety Disorders
And More

As mentioned earlier, this is a small list of qualifying conditions for a medical card in Florida. As time goes on, more conditions will become eligible for a medical card in Florida. More and more research is being done in the field of the befits of medical marijuana on tons of conditions. As more and more peer-reviewed studies come out showing the health benefits of using medical marijuana not only will more conditions become eligible but more states, in general, might consider legalization.
Qualifying Conditions For A Medical Card In Florida
In 2016 amendment 2 was approved and allowed physicians to legally prescribe medical marijuana to qualifying conditions for a medical card. “The goal of Amendment 2 is to alleviate those suffering from these medical conditions: cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic nonmalignant pain caused by a qualifying medical condition or that originates from a qualifying medical condition or other debilitating medical conditions comparable to those listed. Under Amendment 2, the medical marijuana will be given to the patient if the physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks for a patient.”
This allows physicians to prescribe medical marijuana to the qualifying conditions listed above. As the last sentence reads physicians can prescribe medical marijuana to patients with conditions they believe to be comparable to the main group of conditions. Also if the physician believes that the medical benefits of medical marijuana are a better alternative than other harder more harmful drugs.
My Condition Is Not On The List. Do I Qualify?
Maybe, if you strongly believe medical marijuana has the potential to ease your day-to-day living with your condition then it most likely qualifies. Do some research and see the effects of THC and CBD in relation to your condition. Most likely there has been a study and research done into the subject of THC or CBD that can help your condition. As mentioned earlier the list of qualifying conditions for a medical card in Florida is always expanding. Another good source of information on whether or not your conditions qualify for a medical card is the official Florida medical marijuana subreddit called FLmedicaltrees. While there are some medical professionals in the subreddit it is a mostly patient-based community and some people might have the same condition and qualified in the past. Submitting a post asking the community if anyone else has the condition and is qualified can give you a better idea of if you qualify. If you have done the research and want to try to obtain a card with your condition the next step is to find a doctor.
Ask friends or family who have medical marijuana cards in Florida what doctor they use for a referral. Ask to speak to the doctor if they are available and simply ask if they have ever prescribed medical marijuana to someone with your condition. If yes then no problem and you can set an appointment if no then ask do they think medical marijuana can help your condition. As the law states it is up to the physician to decide if the medical use of marijuana outweighs the health risk.